NJ Top Docs 2022, Dr, Brian Mehling and Dr. Pavel Yufit Specialize in Trauma Treatment

NJ Top Docs has reviewed and approved board-certified orthopedic surgeons, Brian Mehling, MD and Pavel Yufit, MD of Mehling Orthopedics for 2022. Both are fellows of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and specialize in trauma treatment. They are also members of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association.

Their practice, Mehling Orthopedics is an orthopedic trauma practice dedicated to creating individualized treatment plans for traumatic injuries and disabilities.

Dr. Mehling started his path in medicine through undergraduate study at Harvard University, obtaining his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees in Biochemistry from Ohio State University.

Completing his degree of medicine at Wright State University School of Medicine, Dr. Mehling received post graduate education through residencies and fellowships at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Paterson, NJ and the Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia, PA, while pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry (which he is currently completing at Seton Hall University).

Dr. Mehling operates practices in northern New Jersey and Long Island, New York where he is on staff at Good Samaritan Hospital, Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack University Medical Center at Pascack Valley, Hackensack Meridian Palisades Medical Center, Hudson Regional Hospital, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, and St. Joseph’s Wayne Medical Center.

Dr. Yufit is fluent in Russian as well as English. He is involved with orthopedic research and participates in hospital-based orthopedic trauma studies to create better-individualized care plans that improve patient outcomes during treatment.

Dr. Yufit’s medical education began at the New York University School of Medicine. He then went on to complete his orthopedic surgery residency at New York Medical College at St. Vincent’s Hospital in the Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens boroughs of New York City. After finishing his residency, Dr. Yufit was accepted into a competitive orthopedic trauma fellowship program at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky.

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